Thank you for allowing
us to help your company achieve its
asset recovery goals

We take the guesswork out of asset discovery, by assisting our clients who are unware of the existence of these forgotten or unknown assets.

Asset recovery solutions

Asset recovery is often time consuming as well as complicated. The first step in the retrieval process is to contact us so that we may lead you through it as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Uncashed Checks

Checks that have been issued by other companies, State agency, or local agency which has not been cashed by the payee.

Safe Deposit

Secure containers or boxes that are sometimes forgotten about, that are kept in vaults and can be rented throughout the lifetime of a customer.

Accounts Payable

Amounts due to vendors or suppliers for goods or services received that have not yet been paid for. The sum of all outstanding amounts owed to vendors is shown as the accounts payable balance on the company's balance sheet.

Utility Deposits

Utility deposits your company has made in the past, but was never refunded.

Insurance policies

Money for the overpayments of premiums, insurance claims, and settlements.


About Us

Who We Are


VEBLN is a asset recovery company and was founded for the express purpose of assisting companies around the country claim assets or properties that are rightfully owed to them. Valuable assistance is given to our clients who are unaware of the existence of these unknown or forgotten assets, and who are oftentimes unfamiliar with the complex process required to recovery these asset properties.

  Uncashed Checks
 Old bank accounts
 Escrow accounts
  Surplus payment
  Stocks and bonds
  Insurance policies
  Stocks and bonds
How we Work

Our company provides the best asset discovery solutions for our clients

In many juriIsdictions around the country unclaimed assets are escheated to the state or various custodians for a variety of reasons including delinquency or abandonment. These unclaimed assets can originate from old bank accounts and safe deposit box contents, CDs, mutual funds, stocks, bonds, dividends, uncashed checks, wages, insurance policies, trust funds, utility deposits, escrow accounts, inheritance money, etc. This process of escheatment of property or money by private citizens to characterless agencies originated in feudal 16th century England. This unfair process continues in the US, founded on laws from the British Commonwealth centuries ago.



One of our primary areas of business is performing owner searches. In a typical case, we will locate unclaimed funds, identify to whom they belong, then attempt to contact the company and offer our services. The potential client generally receives a phone call or letter informing them of the amount of money we have located and some information about our company. Furthermore, they receive a Limited Power of Attorney to fill out and get notarized, authorizing us to represent them in the retrieval process. Our fee is a percentage of the funds we collect and is contingency based, meaning we do not collect a fee unless and until we are successful in returning funds to the client. If you have received a letter from VEBLN regarding unclaimed assets, please feel free to contact us for more information.


Simply complete the Limited Power of Attorney, have it notarized, and return it to us. You may fax it to us; however, we will still need the original mailed back. Once we receive this document, we will begin the recovery process immediately.

We understand why you want to be cautious and we encourage you to check us out thoroughly. Moreover, we will be happy to provide the names and contact information for independent attorneys who have handled cases for us and you may contact the state Bar Association to verify their credentials. If you have further questions, please give us a call at 833-832-5687 and we will be happy to provide you with as much information as possible.

The funds we locate come from a variety of sources. Anything from dormant bank accounts to lost tax refunds can show up in our searches. Most of the funds we find are currently being held by courts or local government agencies.

Frankly, if you could, you probably already would have. Over the years, we have developed sophisticated research and retrieval techniques that allow us to locate and recover these cash assets. On your own, you would have to first locate the source of the funds, then go through the entire recovery process. Our experience shows that it takes specialized know how to be successful.

Our fee is Ten percent (10%) of the actual amount we collect for you. Furthermore, we only collect that fee after we have successfully recovered the funds. Our fee covers the entire cost of collection. Attorney’s fees, court costs, document fees, and any other costs involved are taken out of our portion of the money, not yours. If we are ultimately unsuccessful at recovering the funds, you owe us nothing.

Once we receive your notarized Limited Power of Attorney we will begin the recovery process. Your file will be submitted to one of our attorneys, who will review the file and prepare the proper paperwork to make a claim. The attorney will contact you and discuss exactly where the money comes from, verify your entitlement to the funds, and obtain any additional information he or she may need to proceed. Then, the attorney will file a claim on your behalf with the proper court or government agency, requesting that the claim be reviewed and an order issued directing the funds to be returned to you.

We offer unclaimed funds research services to a number of groups and companies nationwide. If you have been informed that this applies to you as a member of one of those groups, please click on the link marked Online Form. You will need to enter your group number and some other identifying information. Once the Online Form is submitted, one of our research analysts will search for unclaimed funds in your name and contact you via e-mail with the results, typically within 7 to 10 business days.

Unfortunately, due to the large volume of requests we receive, it is not possible for us to call or write each individual. We will e-mail you when we have completed the search.

Yes. VEBLN will not share any of your personal information, or information concerning your entitlement to unclaimed funds with anyone at any time without your prior consent, except as required by law or as needed to establish your claim and actually recover the funds. If you have any questions about our privacy policy or would like to request that certain information be removed from our records, please contact us at 833-832-5687
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City Center Charlotte, NC. 28246

Open hours

Mon–Fri: 9 AM - 6 PM